We had a great day planned for yesterday. We would go to the flower market, pick up some screws to fix the deck boards Weatherboy ripped up to repair a pipe, clean the house and have friends over in the afternoon.
At least, that was the plan. We came home with supplies and were making trips in from the car when I accidentally locked us out of the house. So there we were, standing outside with a pile of groceries and all the pets happily inside wondering why we didn't come in. Whoops!
After an aborted attempt to climb from the neighbor's third floor window to our open third floor window, we decided to break the glass on the back door. Glass is cheap to replace, our neighbor pointed out, and Weatherboy is handy so this should be a 1 hour project.

Wrong. While attempting to remove the remaining glass we discover that our door is so ancient and so painted that any attempt to remove the trim to replace the glass will result in complete destruction of the door. So all of a sudden we are installing a new door.
Luckily, Weatherboy's friends are up to the challenge!

A mere 6 1/2 hours later - a new door! And it's only 2 inches narrower and 5 inches shorter than the former door and hole! Hooray for lots of insulation and finish work to do!

So there is still a lot of work left, but I think the result is rather pretty. This project was on the list, it has just leapfrogged a few others. And once Weatherboy is finished with the insulation and plaster, I get to come in with my paintbrush. Our house trim is a dark brown and since it is the back door and doesn't have to match any of the neighbors' I am planning on painting it "Potting Shed Green" a lovely Martha Stewart approved shade of green.
I'm glad we didn't call the locksmith.