I must increase my bust. Remember that Punky Brewster episode? Margo convinced Cherry and Punky that cheese puffs help increase bust size because they are full of air. Man I loved that show. I think my sister really wanted to be Punky. It definitely inspired some fashion disasters in my childhood of which I am not proud. (Purple
fake converse high tops anyone?)
Anyways, I must, I must, I mush finish up some WIPs! I've been stressing about next Christmas for months now. I am a ridiculous planner and if I need time to chill I will make lists about the future. Basically I've had Jenny's Christmas gift planned since February, but of course no yarn purchased or knitting done. And then my H has no knitted items so he deserves one. Renae,
Sara, MIL,& FIL are all the types to appreciate knitted gifts. I think SIL likes them, so I'll try to work in something for the kids. Aaack! How am I supposed to knit all that?
So to do this I am going to work on one item exclusively on my WIP list until it is done. Then I will work on one secret item and one bloggable item. H doesn't read this and he sits next to me while I knit, so I can show off his. MIL reads, but she can be trusted not to tell anyone else in the family so I only have to keep hers a secret. And of course, I have more mommies to be to knit for, so it is a good thing that I recently acquired
Itty-Bitty Hats. What an adorable book!
As far as knitting progress goes, before my one item only resolution I managed to get Wicked down to the underarms and put it all on waste yarn. I tried it on and it is fabulous, and a bit sexy even. Small, not puffy cables are fantastic on the chest, ladies. But, Chevron is the closest to being finished and thus it gets worked on first.
Pictures soon.